Our Ranges
Icon Wines
Houghton is one of Australia’s oldest wineries with its history dating back to 1836. Each of the Houghton Icon wines has been named in memory of important figures in Houghton’s long history of pioneering, Scots, bandits and generations of winemaking craftsmanship.
Houghton Reserve
The Houghton Reserve range wines come from a selection from a reserve of excellent and quality wines. These epitomise Western Australia’s signature varietals. Each wine comes with the credentials of Western Australia’s finest, and oldest wineries.
Premium Release
The Houghton Premium release is carefully crafted to showcase the purity of Western Australian wine and its premiere regions. The wines show contemporary styles, typical of Western Australia’s best wine regions.
Wisdom Wines
The Houghton Wisdom range exemplifies the unique characters of the best wine growing regions of Western Australia. Our 180 years of winemaking history has given us the experience to develop and craft wines of high quality with care and forethought.